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  • Writer's pictureAlan Seder

ETEC 527 - Final Blog Post

As I reflect on the various adventures addressed in the blog posts for ETEC 527, the common theme is my starting point for Web 2.0 was one on awareness. After completing these adventures, I have moved toward much greater familiarity of the affordances of the various Web 2.0 tools. Now, I am faced with continuing on a path of exploration and implementation to develop mastery. This begs the question which affordances presented in each of the tools explored to engage with first.

I see Twitter as a valuable tool to use with students and peers to highlight and coordinate classroom events, especially when short, urgent, realtime communication is needed to organize some activity. I also see value in using Twitter to share highlights of interesting happenings in the external world, especially scientific insights that may tie to goings on in the classroom, to bring more authenticity to our learning environment.

I see YouTube as a place to prepare curated playlists that can become standing reservoirs of video-based information to support, supplement, and extend the depth of learning of my students, peers, and myself. While YouTube clearly has some crossover with the scientific highlights in Twitter, the feel for YouTube is to drive deeper and more sustained insights.

HyperDoc's is the Web 2.0 tool that will get the majority of my attention initially. This is driven by the organizational edifice of a HyperDoc to present a lesson through curated sources of information woven together with structured opportunities to interact with, collaborate on, create from, produce with, and reflect on the utility and application of that information. A key benefit being that a student-centered HyperDoc's lesson affords the time away for the center of the class to personalize and differentiate the lesson with individuals or groups of students who need additional scaffolding. Further, since a HyperDoc is often assembled from other Web 2.0 tools, each Web 2.0 tool is effectively getting its own attention as it is incorporated into a HyperDoc.

The upshot is that the adventures orchestrated in the course have been quite beneficial. It is not lost on me that, in reality, the adventures simply continue into the next phase of my coming to terms with how to effectively employ my newfound appreciation for Web 2.0 tools.

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