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  • Writer's pictureAlan Seder

EDTEC 568 - Visioning A Makerspace - Bonus Blog

Updated: Dec 8, 2020

In addition to our weekly Arduino Challenges, we have been working on Visioning A Makerspace. I am looking a repurposing the existing wet-lab space and prep room in my combined classroom and laboratory. Using this existing space does impose some limitations on the types of activities, equipment, and the process flow in close quarters, but there is ample upside with having a makerspace readily accessible to promote close integration between making and my Physics, Chemistry, and Space Science courses.

This week I tried my hand at rendering a 3D layout using SketchUp; this was a major learning event unto itself. Below is a couple of views from my initial efforts at visioning how to effectively use the space with room to work, stage materials, and display student work products.

Main Wet-Lab Refit to Makerspace

Overview of Main Wet-Lab and Prep Room Retrofit to Makerspace

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